Look Up, You Might Just Miss It
In today's world, social media and technology has become a major factor of the world of communication. There is almost no one nowadays who doesn't use some form of social media. I know for myself especially I look at stuff on my computer or phone almost all the time, whether that be something like Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube.
It does bring up the question though, have we lost sight of the real world? In this video below you can see what society has essentially grown into today.
Its one of those things that you watch and try to deny at first. Trying to say that our society is much better than that and that we aren't always on our phones no matter where we are. If you sit and think though it really is where our society is today.
I know this first hand, as I spend a lot of time on my computer and my phone and do a lot of my communication through those medias as well. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy a good face to face conversation of course, but it still has a clear impact on the way I live my life.
The way that our culture has been shaped nowadays does have a big impact on our lives, whether you want to believe that or not. It affects our sleep by how much we have screens in our eyes. It can cause strain on our eyes that can result in worse sleep. This is why nowadays you see a lot of computer and phone companies adjusting to that so as to not affect our culture, by including blue light filter settings on their products.
It affects body image in people as well. With social media, you can see your favorite celebrities or models posting pictures of themselves and it can make you feel worse about yourself by comparing your own body to these standards. It can really destroy self esteem of people who may already be struggling with loving themselves and who they are.
To read some of the ways that psychologists believe social media can affect our health you can check those out here.
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